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Sasanoa River, Maine

July 30, 2010

After our visit to the Taste of Maine to watch the BRI webcam osprey nest for a while, we went down to see what was happening with the osprey and eagles visible from the bridge between Woolwich and Arrowsic.

First, we took a look at the eagle nest. (As a reminder, all pictures can be clicked much bigger.)
eagle nest

Charlie had reported that he hadn't seen anyone at home when he'd done a quick check on the 27th - and we didn't see anyone at home today.
eagle nest

I can't be positive - it does look as if there might be a bit of brown there - but given how small the nest is, it also wouldn't surprise me if they're spending a lot of time elsewhere, now that they both can fly.

We then turned our focus to the osprey nest - and saw one of the chicks at home!
osprey chick

We did wonder where the other one was - and discovered him/her perched on the dead tree near the nest, in an area that we'd often seen Dad.
osprey fledgling

To add a bit of perspective, the arrow points to the nest, and the circle shows where the fledgling is hanging out.
osprey chicks

So it does seem that at least one of the osprey chicks has fledged - and when we looked closely at the picture Charlie took on the 27th:
osprey in nest
it looks as if it might show a chick in front, and one of the adults in back, feeding the chick or delivering a meal - so at least one of them may have been flying for several days now. The osprey chicks on the nest at the Taste of Maine fledged on July 18 and 22, so these are perhaps a week or so later - which matches everything else we've observed.

If you'd like to see more pictures and commentary on this nest - or on the webcam nest at the Taste of Maine Restaurant - you can use the link at the top of the page to get to my Local Wildlife Home Page which has an index of the reports on our visits to the sites.